Animal Husbandry Archives aims to publish original research articles, reviews, and commentaries on all aspects of animal husbandry, including but not limited to the following topics:
- Animal breeding and genetics
- Animal nutrition and feed management
- Animal health and disease management
- Animal welfare and behavior
- Animal production systems and management
- Environmental sustainability and animal agriculture
- Emerging issues in animal husbandry
- Economic analysis of animal production systems
- Food safety and quality assurance in animal products
- Education and extension in animal husbandry
We welcome submissions from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world, and encourage interdisciplinary research that combines knowledge and expertise from different fields. Animal Husbandry Archives adheres to the highest standards of scientific rigor and ethical conduct, and follows the guidelines and regulations of relevant organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and the Council of Science Editors (CSE).
Animal Husbandry Archives is committed to promoting open access to scientific research, and all articles published in the journal are freely available to readers worldwide. We believe that open access publishing promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge and contributes to the advancement of science and society.
In addition to the topics listed above, Animal Husbandry Archives also welcomes submissions on the following sub-topics:
- Reproductive physiology and management
- Animal behavior and cognition
- Genetics and genomics of animal traits
- Precision livestock farming
- Animal ethics and welfare assessment
- Sustainable and regenerative agriculture
- Animal health surveillance and disease control
- Emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses
- Animal waste management and environmental impact
- Animal nutrition and gut microbiota
We encourage authors to submit original research that presents new insights and advances in the field of animal husbandry. We also welcome review articles that provide critical evaluations of existing research, and commentaries that offer perspectives on current issues and debates in the field. Animal Husbandry Archives strives to provide a supportive and constructive peer-review process that helps authors improve the quality of their manuscripts.
Animal Husbandry Archives is an open access journal that follows the guidelines and regulations of relevant organizations such as the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). We are committed to promoting ethical publishing practices and preventing any form of misconduct such as plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification of data. We also adhere to the highest standards of data sharing and encourage authors to make their data publicly available through appropriate repositories.
Animal Husbandry Archives aims to be a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge that can contribute to the advancement of animal agriculture and the well-being of animals. We believe that our journal can play an important role in shaping the future of animal husbandry by promoting sustainable and humane practices that benefit both animals and society. We invite authors and readers to join us in this mission by submitting and reading high-quality research that can inform and inspire new approaches to animal husbandry.
Our mission at Animal Husbandry Archives is to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share their findings and insights on animal husbandry. We believe that the exchange of knowledge and ideas is essential for advancing the field of animal agriculture and improving the welfare of animals. Our journal aims to foster interdisciplinary collaborations and promote evidence-based practices that support sustainable and humane animal husbandry.
We strive to provide a platform that is accessible to a broad range of audiences, including academics, industry professionals, and the general public. By publishing open access articles, we aim to increase the visibility and impact of research in animal husbandry and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge across different sectors and regions.
Our vision for Animal Husbandry Archives is to become a leading journal in the field of animal agriculture and husbandry. We envision a future where our journal is recognized for its high-quality research, rigorous peer-review process, and commitment to ethical publishing practices. We hope to inspire researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to submit their work to our journal, and to engage with our community through various outreach activities and events.
Our aim is to publish original research and reviews that cover a broad range of topics within the field of animal husbandry. We welcome submissions that use a variety of methods and approaches, including quantitative and qualitative research, experimental and observational studies, and modeling and simulation. Our goal is to provide a platform for innovative research that can inform policy and practice in animal agriculture and husbandry.
The scope of Animal Husbandry Archives encompasses a wide range of topics related to animal husbandry, including:
- Livestock breeding and genetics
- Animal housing and welfare
- Animal production systems and management
- Livestock health and disease management
- Animal reproduction and fertility
- Feed and nutrition for livestock
- Animal behavior and cognition
- Animal biotechnology and genomics
- Sustainable livestock production
- Livestock economics and policy
We welcome submissions from researchers and practitioners in animal husbandry and related fields, including animal science, veterinary medicine, agriculture, economics, and policy. We also encourage interdisciplinary research that brings together different perspectives and approaches to address complex challenges in animal agriculture and husbandry.
Animal Husbandry Archives is committed to promoting ethical publishing practices and preventing any form of misconduct. We adhere to the highest standards of editorial integrity and peer review, and we follow the guidelines and regulations of relevant organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). We expect all authors, reviewers, and editors to comply with our ethical standards and policies, and to uphold the principles of academic integrity and honesty.
- Animal agriculture
- Animal husbandry
- Livestock breeding
- Genetics
- Animal housing
- Animal welfare
- Production systems
- Livestock management
- Livestock health
- Disease management
- Reproduction
- Fertility
- Feed
- Nutrition
- Animal behavior
- Cognition
- Biotechnology
- Genomics
- Sustainable production
- Economics
- Policy
- Animal welfare assessment
- Animal welfare standards
- Animal welfare policies
- Animal welfare regulations
- Animal welfare advocacy
- Animal welfare education
- Animal welfare enforcement
- Animal welfare auditing
- Animal welfare monitoring
- Animal welfare certification
- Animal welfare ethics
- Animal welfare training
- Animal welfare research
- Animal welfare legislation
- Animal welfare impact assessment
- Animal welfare in developing countries
- Livestock breeding programs
- Livestock breeding technologies
- Livestock breeding objectives
- Livestock breeding value
- Livestock breeding efficiency
- Livestock breeding genetics
- Livestock breeding systems
- Livestock breeding selection
- Livestock breeding performance
- Livestock breeding crossbreeding
- Livestock breeding traits
- Livestock breeding gene editing
- Livestock breeding markers
- Livestock breeding conservation
- Livestock breeding biodiversity
- Livestock breeding adaptation
- Livestock breeding genotyping
- Livestock breeding phenotyping
- Livestock breeding animal models
- Livestock breeding bioinformatics
- Livestock breeding genome sequencing
- Livestock breeding artificial insemination
- Livestock breeding embryo transfer
- Livestock breeding cloning
- Livestock breeding gene expression
- Livestock breeding bioreactors
- Livestock breeding cell culture
- Livestock breeding in vitro fertilization
- Livestock breeding assisted reproduction
- Livestock breeding cryopreservation
- Livestock breeding animal genomics
- Livestock breeding genome editing
- Livestock breeding genome engineering
- Livestock breeding animal welfare
- Livestock breeding sustainability
- Livestock breeding biodiversity conservation
- Livestock breeding animal health
- Livestock breeding food safety
- Livestock breeding animal product quality
- Livestock breeding animal behavior
- Livestock breeding animal cognition
- Livestock breeding animal biotechnology
- Livestock breeding animal nutrition
- Livestock breeding animal genetics
- Livestock breeding animal reproduction
- Livestock breeding animal disease management
- Livestock breeding animal feed
- Livestock breeding animal production
- Livestock breeding animal economics
- Livestock breeding animal policy
- Livestock breeding animal ethics
- Livestock breeding animal welfare assessment
- Livestock breeding animal welfare standards
- Livestock breeding animal welfare policies
- Livestock breeding animal welfare regulations
- Livestock breeding animal welfare advocacy
- Livestock breeding animal welfare education
- Livestock breeding animal welfare enforcement
- Livestock breeding animal welfare auditing
- Livestock breeding animal welfare monitoring
- Livestock breeding animal welfare certification
- Livestock breeding animal welfare
- Sustainable animal production
- Animal welfare and ethics
- Animal breeding and genetics
- Animal nutrition and feed science
- Animal health and disease management
- Animal behavior and cognition
- Animal reproduction and reproductive biotechnology
- Animal biotechnology and genetics
- Animal biotechnology and molecular biology
- Livestock farming systems
- Animal feed processing and technology
- Meat science and technology
- Poultry production and management
- Aquaculture and fishery science
- Wildlife conservation and management
- Veterinary epidemiology
- Epidemiology and control of animal diseases
- Zoonotic diseases
- Emerging infectious diseases in animals
- Antibiotic resistance in animal production
- Animal production and climate change
- Precision livestock farming
- Livestock waste management and environmental impact
- Sustainable grazing and forage production
- Animal bioclimatology
- Animal physiology and metabolism
- Animal immunology and vaccination
- Animal behavior and welfare assessment
- Dairy production and management
- Livestock extension and outreach
- Animal products and byproducts processing and technology
- Animal health and welfare in organic farming
- Animal health and welfare in small-scale farming
- Animal health and welfare in intensive farming
- Comparative animal medicine
- Livestock production in developing countries
- Animal-based food security
- Animal-based livelihoods
- Livestock and gender
- Livestock and rural development
- Ethnoveterinary medicine
- Animal health and welfare education and training
- Risk analysis and management in animal production
- Animal health and welfare policies and regulations
- One Health approach in animal production
- Animal biosecurity and disease prevention
- Biomedical research using animals
- Animal models in biomedical research
- Animal ethics in research
- Animal behavior in research
- Animal welfare in research
- Ethical considerations in animal research
- Replacement, reduction and refinement in animal research
- Animal research policies and regulations
- Laboratory animal science and management
- Animal experimentation and alternatives
- Veterinary public health
- Food safety and quality assurance in animal-based products
- Animal rights and activism
- Animal-human interaction and relationships
- Animal biotechnology and transgenics
- Non-invasive monitoring of animal behavior and physiology
- Smart farming technologies in animal production
- Animal biophysics and biomechanics
- Animal reproduction in the context of climate change
- Animal biometrics and identification technologies
- Reproductive health and technologies in animals
- Precision feeding in animal production
- Animal-based tourism and recreation
- Sustainable insect farming and utilization
- Insect nutrition and feeding
- Insect health and disease management
- Insect reproduction and biotechnology
- Insect ecology and behavior
- Insect products and byproducts processing and technology
- Livestock and crop integration
- Animal health and welfare in agroforestry systems
- Agroecology and animal husbandry
- Novel food sources from insects and other non-conventional animals
- One Welfare approach in animal husbandry
- Animal breeding and selection for environmental adaptation
- Animal-based interventions in mental health
- Innovative teaching methods in animal husbandry education
- Animal housing and environmental enrichment
- Animal-based pharmacology and drug development
- Livestock transportation and welfare
- Animal rights and law
- Animal-based renewable energy production
- Climate-smart animal husbandry
- Social and cultural aspects of animal husbandry
- Animal husbandry in urban and peri-urban areas
- Precision health in animal production
- Animal communication and cognition in farming
- Smart tags and monitoring systems for animal health and welfare
- Livestock and ecosystem services
- Animal husbandry and landscape ecology
- Human-animal bond in animal husbandry
- Animal genetics and genomics in conservation
- Animal diseases and ecosystem health
- Animal movement ecology and landscape connectivity
- Ethical considerations in animal husbandry
- Veterinary epidemiology and public health
- Sustainable aquaculture
- Aquatic animal health and welfare
- Aquatic ecology and conservation
- Marine mammal biology and conservation
- Fish physiology and behavior
- Fish genetics and genomics
- Marine biotechnology
- Invasive species and their impacts on aquatic ecosystems
- Aquatic animal nutrition
- Aquatic animal reproduction and biotechnology
- Aquatic animal disease diagnosis and management
- Aquatic animal-based livelihoods and community development
- One Health approach in aquatic animal husbandry
- Climate change impacts on aquatic animal production
- Aquatic animal feed and feeding practices
- Fisheries management and governance
- Aquatic animal-based tourism and recreation
- Sustainable aquafeed production and processing
- Aquatic animal-based biomedical research
- Aquatic animal-based renewable energy production
- Urban aquaculture and peri-urban aquaponics
- Aquatic animal transport and welfare
- Aquatic animal-based ecosystem services
- Indigenous knowledge in aquatic animal husbandry
- Aquatic animal-based art and cultural practices
- Aquatic animal behavior and communication
- Innovative technologies in aquatic animal husbandry
- Aquatic animal welfare regulations and policies
- Aquatic animal-based disease surveillance and control
- Fisheries and aquaculture value chain management
- Socio-economic aspects of aquatic animal husbandry
- Ecosystem-based approaches to aquatic animal production
- Aquatic animal husbandry education and training
- Aquatic animal-based molecular biology and genetics
- Non-conventional aquatic animal species for food and livelihoods
- Sustainable seafood production and consumption
- Food safety and quality assurance in aquatic animal products
- Aquatic animal-based drug discovery and development
- Aquatic animal-based circular economy and waste management
- Emerging diseases and health risks in aquatic animals
- Aquatic animal conservation and biodiversity
- Aquatic animal-based climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Aquatic animal-based disaster risk reduction and management
- Aquatic animal-based blue economy and sustainable development
In summary, Animal Husbandry Archives is a new open access journal that aims to promote high-quality research and innovation in the field of animal agriculture and husbandry. We welcome submissions from researchers and practitioners worldwide, and we are committed to providing a supportive and constructive peer-review process that helps authors improve the quality of their manuscripts. Our mission is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas that can contribute to the advancement of animal agriculture and the well-being of animals. We invite you to join us in this mission by submitting your work or reading the latest research in animal husbandry.